

Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) at 31 minutes.


從7月4日開始.女兒一直發高燒,用什麼藥也不退燒,醫生懷疑她感染了腦膜炎,安排在7月6曰抽腦脊液做化驗。同時,女兒的神志,肌張刀障礙等腦創傷徵像也越來越差,因此在7月5曰星期三的早上我再次躲入浴室禱告,懇求上主啓示祂會否醫治好女兒,接下我閉眼揭開聖經,連續幾次也揭出約翰福音第9章「耶穌治好生來瞎眼的人」這篇經文。下午在ICU探病期間,有一位教會的醫生弟兄來ICU探我們,他說他心中有一段經文很想告訴我們,怎料剛好又是約翰福音那篇「耶穌治好生來瞎眼的人」! 經上說耶穌開這天生瞎眼人眼睛的那一天,正是安息日。我開始心裡想,主耶穌是否會在安息日治好女兒的腦創傷呢?


7月8日星期六,事發後第九日,安息日終於到了,到底神蹟是否真的會在今天發生呢?下午去ICU時, 女兒的肌張力障礙忽然消矢了,全身能自由活動了,雙眼能看見了,高燒忽然完全退了,神智清醒了,甚至差不多能站起來了!她更被聖靈充滿,一直不斷高聲唱了3個多小時的聖詩和大聲讚美主! 


當ICU主管蔡医生,心臟科主管翁医生睇完7月13日那份養和 Brain MRX report 後,主動告訴我這是一個奇蹟,更不再反對我們天天在 ICU 又敬拜又禱告! 


當日在養和醫院,就是楊執庸醫生指揮 搶救我女兒。

Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is resumption of sustained perfusing cardiac activity associated with significant respiratory effort after cardiac arrest.[1] Signs of ROSC include breathing, coughing, or movement and a palpable pulse or a measurable blood pressure. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation increase the chances of ROSC.[1]

The return of circulation, while a good thing and a favorable short-term indicator, is not on its own a predictor of a favorable medium- or long-term outcome. Patients have died not long after their circulation has returned.

Lazarus phenomenon or autoresuscitation after failed cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the spontaneous return of circulation after resuscitation attempts have stopped in someone with cardiac arrest.[2][3] Thus passive monitoring is recommended for 10 minutes after resuscitation attempts have stopped.[2]

自主循環再現(英語:Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC))是心停止之後出現持續的心跳和 呼吸活動。[1]自主循環再現出現的標誌包括呼吸、咳嗽、肢體移動、可被感知的脈搏和可被測量的 血壓。心肺復甦和心除顫將增加自主循環再現的機會。[1] 在心肺復甦失敗後出現的拉撒路綜合症和自激現象也是一種自主循環再現,儘管對心停止者的心肺 復甦嘗試已經停止。[2][3]因此,心肺復甦嘗試停止後,推薦進行10分鐘的被動觀察。[2]


As a general rule, achieving ROSC after 30 min of full CPR is rarely successful.Most patients at this time have a heart rhythm called asystole, which is essentially electrical silence of the heart.

Even when cardiopulmonary resuscitation leads to restoration of spontaneous circulation, many patients will die without ever awakening.


Achieving ROSC without CPR (20min in private car) is impossible.

Died for 31 minutes.

Return from death. Hong Kong.

5 year old girl.

Coma, seizures, no response. Blind. Twitching of eyeballs. Heart stopped.

Intubated in ICU. Induced hypothermia.

Either dead/vegetative.

30 Jun 2017.


Fully recovered, discharged on 11 Aug 2017.

ROSC at 31 min, as recorded in discharge summary of Queen Mary Hospital. 20 min of travelling in dad’s car.

Zoom with dad in Jan 2021. Healthy.

July 2017, heavy rain, it just rained on my car. God gave a sign to the broken parents. Grandparents bargained to believe in Jesus Christ, if He God saved the kid.

Except Jesus, what else?

Miraculous healing

My daughter died for 31 minutes!

On June 30, 2017, a 4-year-old 11-month-old girl suddenly developed arrhythmia. I drove by mistake by myself and took her to a private hospital for more than 20 minutes. It was confirmed that there were: No heartbeat, no blood pressure, no breathing, no pupil response, dark lips, brown complexion. After two electric shocks, the little girl luckily regained her heartbeat, but her condition was very critical. She Must be immediately transferred to the children’s ICU at Queen Mary Hospital to continue rescue. Later, the discharge report on August 11 described that my daughter’s blood circulation had stopped for 31 minutes!

The church set up a 24-hour marathon prayer group for my family on the day of the incident, and we also asked friends from other churches to pray for help. The doctor of Queen MaryHospital explained to me, that the trauma caused by brain hypoxia for such a long time is incurable.

Thank the Lord for listening to the prayers of the people. My daughter unexpectedly regained consciousness and woke up on July 3. At the same time, because every second counts, the cardiologist required a “heart stress test" in the afternoon that day, to force my daughter to stop her heartbeat again with drugs, so that the source of the disease could be found on the electrocardiogram during the process. On the morning of July 4th, I myself hid in the bathroom and prayed to God, asking God to reveal his presence with me. Then I closed my eyes and opened the Bible, and saw Judges chapter 6 verses 36-40 “Gideon asks God for proof." On the day when my wife and I were in a taxi on the way to the hospital, I asked her if she wanted to learn from Gideon and asked Heavenly Father to give us a sign. For example, it was raining on the taxi that were travelling, while the other cars and the whole land were dry. But because of our lack of faith, we felt that this matter was impossible, so we changed our prayers to something else. Unexpectedly, less than a minute after we prayed, the sky suddenly fell—heavy rain. After the driver splashed the water, I noticed the sun was shining outside, so I immediately opened the window to check other vehicles. It was all dry! It didn’t rain at all outside! The driver didn’t believe it, he opened the window to check, and then turned his head and smiled at us without a word. After arriving in the ICU that day, the cardiologist suddenly told us that we didn’t need to do the “heart stress test" because they had found clues about which heart rhythm medicine to use.

From July 4th, my daughter had always had a high fever, and she could not use any medicine to reduce the fever. The doctor suspected that she was infected with meningitis, and arranged to take a cerebrospinal fluid test on July 6. At the same time, my daughter’s mentality, muscle dysfunction and other signs of brain trauma were getting worse. Therefore, on the morning of July 5th, Wednesday, I hid in the bathroom again and prayed, asking God to reveal whether he would heal my daughter. I closed my eyes and opened the Bible, and several times in succession I also uncovered the verse “Jesus Heals the Blind" in Chapter 9 of John’s Gospel. During the visit in the ICU in the afternoon, a doctor brother from the church came to visit us in the ICU. He said that he had a scripture in his heart that he wanted to tell us that it happened to be the John’s Gospel “Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind"! The scripture says that the day when Jesus opened the eyes of this born blind man was the Sabbath. I began to wonder, will the Lord Jesus heal his daughter’s brain trauma on the Sabbath?

On Friday, July 7th, my daughter’s brain trauma has worsened in recent days. The high fever has not gone away. Today, she is completely paralyzed, her limbs can’t move due to spasm, her eyes are blind, and her head, neck, eyeballs and tongue can’t cramp to the left. Cannot speak or move, and cannot hear the direction of the sound. The doctor thought it was expected and repeatedly told us to be psychologically prepared. My daughter was sad and cried! We two stepped out of the ICU door and couldn’t help crying anymore, lost our confidence, and even regretted why we asked Heavenly Father to save her life, but we will live so painfully in the future? Unexpectedly, just as we were crying and complaining, there was a powerful message in my mind, and asked solemnly and calmly, “Why is your confidence so small? Haven’t I responded to you? Why your confidence is so weak?” I immediately stopped. I talked to my wife and hurried home, kneeling and holding hands in confession and prayer, and asked the church to pray to the Lord Jesus together with all Christian friends and non-believers’ parents and relatives. Suddenly the light of hope reappeared from despair! From extreme trembling to full of confidence! Because God has not given up on us, He is still dominating and even responding again!

On Saturday, July 8, the ninth day after the incident, the Sabbath finally arrived. Will miracles really happen today? When I went to the ICU in the afternoon, my daughter’s dystonia suddenly disappeared, her whole body was able to move freely, her eyes could see, the high fever suddenly disappeared completely, she gain consciousness, she was almost able to stand up! She is even filled with the Holy Spirit and has been singing hymns aloud for more than 3 hours and praising the Lord loudly!

Since the Sabbath on July 8, she recovered quickly. The brain magnetic resonance and brain wave field spectrogram done on the morning of July 13 surprised all the doctors in the ICU. They concluded that " there is no trace of trauma, as if nothing has happened!" ICU director Dr. Tsoi described this as a miracle and asked us to pray to our Lord for her heart rhythm disease that has not disappeared! As Romans 10:11 says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be ashamed." Our Lord, our hope, will really not fail, and will not be regarded as a superstition by others!

When ICU supervisor Dr. Tsoi and Cardiology supervisor Dr. Yung finished the July 13 training and Brain MRX report, they took the initiative to tell me that it was a miracle, and no longer opposed us worshiping and praying in the ICU every day!

The head nurse, said that she had no blood pressure, no breathing, no heartbeat, no response, and her body temperature had dropped…

At the Sanatorium Hospital that day, it was Prof. Yeung Chap Yung who directed the rescue of my daughter.

The team of doctors and nurses in Queen Mary Hospital ICU had arranged clinical psychologist to see me and my wife, as they thought that we had serious delusion.

We kept worshipping in hospital since she entered ICU and we had been seeing good responses and improvement day after day from my daughter.

But Doctors and nurses thought that we had mental problems like delusion because they said that they never saw such responses from daughter ever since she woke up. She was always entirely dystonia/paralyzed like July 7th.

We were totally collapsed when we heard this !

8/7/2017 (12pm Hong Kong time), My 80 some years old parents called my oldest brother in the United States to lead them a prayer for their grand-daughter for the first time. Old parents commited to Jesus Christ that they would believe in Him and go to church to worship Him if He healed their grand-daughter.

8/7/2017 (around 1 pm), we gave a ride to a poor female elderly who dressed like a beggar and could not walk smoothly. She unexpectedly blessed my daughter in God’s name on the taxi. When she got off our taxi in an open area with the size like a football field, she disappeared almost immediately.

8/7/2017 (3pm), my daughter’s brain damage disappeared !

You still do not believe in miracles? You are just among the 95% of unbelievers, including Jewish Pharisees and Judas who saw miracles, yet killed Jesus.

主啊,得救的人少嗎?(聖經.路加福音 13:23)

Lord, are there few that be saved? (Bible, Luke 13:23)

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying, but to us who are saved it is the power of God. (Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:18)
